Peggy’s Paracosm began with zentangle drawings in the margins of homework and fictional stories written in notebooks. As I grew up and faced reality, my art provided the space I needed to express pent-up energy. While I worked towards my Bachelor's degree in Communication Arts at Virginia Commonwealth University, my practice evolved into intricate and complex doodles, and Planet Avedis was born through creative writing and various illustrations.
I utilize a technique called, “The Stream of Imagination” for my graphic drawings. It’s the process of transforming my internal conflict into quirky, fun, and whimsical creatures and landscapes. It is the movement of my being journeying to different places. It is my passion, personality, things that I adore, and things that I detest passing through the atmosphere to reside somewhere else. It’s like the flow of the Orinoco. Or like writing in your diary or stretching your toes. A release.
My ultimate goal is to shine a light on the intellectual and educational benefits that doodling and imagination have on all ages. Exercising the imagination is not only enjoyable but also improves your memory. It enhances creativity and problem-solving abilities. Doodling allows you to let go of negative emotions and thoughts that may be holding you back. It is therapeutic and meditative. While the beauty of art lies in the variety of ideas and mediums, I like to focus on the playful and bizarre nature that the subconscious has in the process of creating.